Debt Free Youth Justice Washington Coalition

Washington must eliminate failed juvenile fines and fees
Together, we can build a debt-free youth justice system that promotes community healing and reduces harm.
Working together, we can eliminate all legal financial obligations (LFOs) charged to young people moving through the juvenile legal system.
Washington is paving the way towards debt-free youth justice.
By passing the YEAR Act in 2015, Washington was one of the first states to reduce non-restitution juvenile legal financial obligations.
In 2022, we stopped charging families for the incarceration of their children and waived detention fee debt.
We’ve made significant progress towards building a more effective juvenile legal system. Now is the time for full elimination of juvenile legal financial obligations and true compensation for survivors of crime.
Join the Coalition
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The research is clear that juvenile financial penalties are ineffective, discriminatory, and harmful.
Juvenile restitution does not compensate harmed parties.
Although courts collect little data, the best evidence suggests that less than 10% of restitution is able to be paid by youth and families, a majority of whom are low-income.
Financial penalties drive youth deeper into the legal system.
They can add up to thousands of dollars, and are disproportionately burdensome for Black, Latino, and Indigenous families who are most likely to be systems-impacted.
Juvenile LFOs are costly to collect and have low collection rates.
In 2019, WA courts collected less than 20% of the total assessed fees and fines. Agencies and counties in Oregon, Idaho, and Montana spent more on collections than they brought in.
We are a statewide coalition of directly-impacted advocates, community leaders, and policy experts committed to ending the harmful impacts of ineffective legal financial obligations in Washington state.
The Cost of Juvenile Fines and Fees
The justice system collects millions of dollars from youth and their families. Impacted individuals, their loved ones, and advocates are speaking out about the debilitating effects of juvenile fees and fines in a video from our partners at the nationwide Debt Free Justice campaign.
Undoing the injustice of juvenile fines and fees - March 2024
Media & Reports
If we can find millions to build fences around a youth jail, we can invest in helping youth thrive
- March 2023
The Burden of Court Debt on Washingtonians - January 2023
For Young Offenders, Restitution Debts Can Present Crippling Obstacle - July 2022
'Full of injustice': Burden of court fines vary by race, county in WA
- July 2022
Juvenile offenders need hope and support, not debt - March 2023
Washington Legislature considers bill to eliminate fines, fees, and restitution in juvenile court
- February 2023
Charging juvenile offenders fines they can’t pay is not justice
- February 2023
Guiding Values
Our 2023 campaign to eliminate legal fines, fees, and restitution for young people will:
be community-led
center restorative practices and reimagine systems that do not currently serve community
introduce a bill that authentically reflects community priorities and relies on national research and best practices
center the racially discriminatory nature and impact of youth fees, fines, and restitution
As much as possible, the coalition will share resources with community members, learn directly from impacted individuals, and build an organizing base to further the work of youth justice in Washington state.
2023 Court Debt Changes
Simple Legislation
Detailed Legislation
National Support Legislation One-Pager
Outstanding Juvenile Fines & Fees in Washington